Monday, April 8, 2019

Fiber Monday 215: Historic Lace

A few things to note about today's belated mini-project:

1) This pattern is from 1916, which means it's not written in a standardized manner. I had to parse the pattern's meaning from its words, and since there's no diagram (which I'm garbage at reading anyway), it was a lot of guesswork.

2) It's the second week of April, and... someone forgot to tell the weather.

3) My skull feels like it's full of pudding.

4) Coffee has done nothing for points 1 & 3.

Again, it's APRIL THE 8TH.
And that's Maine weather.
I worked from Pattern Number 2 by Mrs. R. F. Clark, which looks quite lovely in the example shown (and how cool is it that there's a photograph of that lace?!). Unfortunately, puddin'-head mcgee over here can't think and has the dumb so, stay tuned for my "finished" attempt at the end, lol.

Starting chain of 6

To make a treble crochet, you wrap the yarn or thread twice around the hook,
 then insert it in the appropriate stitch/place.

Wrap once, pull through 2 loops. You'll have 4 loops remaining.

Wrap once, pull through 2 again

One more time

Finished stitch!

chain 3 and repeat the treble

And again. Then add 4 chains.

Here's the next line, as I interpreted it.

Okay, I can already see an issue with my turning chain getting warped on the left there.
It's the weird jutting bit. Hm.

I dunno, guys.
This doesn't look quite right.

I mean, it's pretty enough, but...
I don't think I did it right. I'm just not great at following directions, and if you take a look at the pdf I linked to above, you may be able to understand why. It's vague, it's strangely-worded, and 100 years later, it's just... it's not the same as we're used to reading it.

I'd love to see what someone could come up with for literal step-by-step instructions for the proper creation of this lace. I would need it updated for modern terminology. I just can't wrap my fuzzy, gooey head around "Like 2nd Row to Scallop" or "continue same as 3rd row". I'm too dumb, I think.

Maybe if I try again when it doesn't feel like a colony of elder black puddings have taken up residence behind my eyeballs...

As always, folks,

Go Enjoy Something!

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