Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Talk About Tuesday

In Which I Promise I Have Been Working On Stuff

So uh... it's been a hot minute, huh.

I have been a bit caught up in my Cozytober prompts, and I've neglected taking pics of anything like the two dragons I'm crocheting, the Autumnal cardigan I'm crocheting, the approximately 7k cups of coffee I've consumed, etc.

In fact the only reason I remembered to do anything relating to this blog today was that I... had a bit of an accident.

See, I have this table easel.

It's not the most robust thing - not like a proper pochade box or a full sized easel, but it's great for holding stuff up and letting me get a sketch down.

I don't have a dedicated place to put it. I don't have a whole lot of dedicated storage, to be quite honest. It generally gets put on top of my dresser or on the corner of my desk. Unfortunately, I stack a lot of things in these areas, including a tiny little squirrel-sized picnic table my dad made for me.

My dumb butt thought laying the easel down on top of the mini table was a good idea.

Gravity and me trying to fish some socks to sleep in out of the drawer directly under the table disagreed.

Somehow something got wrapped around something else and levered the easel in such a way that it launched itself at my face and came down on my glasses. Hard.

Which means that I just essentially punched myself in the nose with my glasses with a bunch of extra steps.

And since I can never ever resist telling the world about the increasingly bizarre ways I hurt myself, here we are.

Like I mentioned, I'm working on a bunch of Cozytober stuff, I've crocheted a few things since last we met, and I've been keeping busy by guzzling coffee and cuddling my cat (she wanted to be held like a baby today and wouldn't stop pestering my folks til I scooped her up and snuggled her in front of them lol). I will continue to do these things after tonight, probably with a stupid bruise on my stupid nose.

Just thought y'all deserved to know about this nonsense lol!

For now, though,

Go Enjoy Something!

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