Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Talk About Tuesday


In Which Today Was Weird.

Last night I stayed up til almost 5AM because I was rereading my manuscript and planning next week's moves. Then I slept til almost 11AM and that was a mistake.

Why? Because it meant that I haven't been properly awake-awake all day. I've been floating on a cozy cloud of coziness.

I did a little crochet today, a little writing, and thought about drawing (which I still might do tonight).

This week's wordcount was 918! I wrote over 200 words yesterday alone!

And that brings the manuscript's total to over 4100 words over 9 pages! And I got to write a paragraph with the phrase "barf soup" in it.

This has been an all around good week.

It's just today that's felt off-kilter and weird. I don't know what's up with it, to be honest.

Maybe I'll draw something that looks confused tonight.

As for the next week, my plans are:

  • Random art for Thursday
  • More crochet for Monday
  • Blather for Tuesday.

I ah.... I may have forgotten I was writing this blog. For several hours lol.


Anyway, I've been a bit off kilter all day.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll have the oomph to paint or something!

Go Enjoy Something!

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