Thursday, February 9, 2023

Thursday Art Walk


In Which Art Was Made

Oh boy has today been a weird one. My cat had to go to the vet for a checkup, so of course she chose this week to be off her feed and a little barfy. Her appointment lasted less than 20 minutes, wherein the vet said "she's fine" and now she's eating again.  The dork.

But yeah, cat's fine.

So now I can focus on important stuff - like art!

I did draw every day this week, but boy were some of those sketches embarrassingly derpy (we're talking barely more than a pile of graphite spaghetti), so here's the best I did:

"Nyan"; mechanical pencil in sketchbook; 2023 [ANIMAL]

"RIP Mouse"; mechanical pencil in sketchbook; 2023 [ANIMAL]

"Scribbletree"; mechanical pencil in sketchbook; 2023 [VEGETABLE]

"Crowmouse" digital; 2023 [ANIMAL]

I'll admit, I drew the same subject matter twice because it was the weirdest thing I've seen all month. The crows we have around here have such an overabundance of non-prey food that I forget that they can and do hunt. I guess the mouse was too easy to resist for the crow who snagged him. Regardless, it was a fascinating series of events that nearly put me off my brie.

As for next week, we'll see if I can get seven decent sketches! I'm not gonna hold my breath, it'll take a lot of drawing practice for me to improve greatly.

I'm going to try anyway.

How are your guys' art projects going? Anyone have any art plans for February?

And if you want to have a say in what I draw, feel free to buy me a coffee over on Ko-Fi with a note saying which category you want to see (Animal, Vegetable, Mineral, Dedbert, Location, Geometric, Word).

As for me, I'm going to go obsessively watch my fellow Zelda nerds break down the Nintendo Direct trailer we just got for Tears of the Kingdom and then play a bunch of fun videos for my boyfriend.

Go Enjoy Something!

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