In Which This Has Been A Week |
So, I have to be honest - I'm running out of space to keep my physical art. Sometimes I give art away to friends or family, I've even sold one piece for ten bucks before (which was a physical exchange, so I didn't have to consider shipping), but the pages are starting to collect, and I have finite space. This means I should probably figure out a way to sell this art, right? Would anyone else be interested in that? It'd help me out on multiple levels, to be honest.
I'm just tossing ideas around, but if there's interest, I'd get more serious about it. Maybe I'd introduce a second tier on Ko-Fi where you can pay a flat fee to get either a digital file (if the art is digital) or a hardcopy of the category you request? So if you request an Animal image via Ko-fi, you'd include the category (ANIMAL) and a way to contact you (probably e-mail or Twitter because I don't understand Instagram and I'm not on most other social media), and I'd let you know when the art was done. If it ends up digital, I'd send it to you online. If it ended up being a physical painting, I'd send you a message asking for a mailing address. Most of what I use for paper is fairly small, so it would probably fit pretty easily in a mailbox.
Does that seem like a good idea? Any better ones? I don't currently have the funds to make prints, and clearly my scanner is... not the best for making copies, so I cannot offer prints yet. I do have a Redbubble but with the advent of their new price gouging (they get to keep up to 50% of what was originally my profit), I'm reconsidering letting them have my art, so I haven't uploaded in a while.
I'm also considering having a thing where, if someone asks me via a Ko-Fi donation using "Haiku" instead of an art category (as well as including their email or Twitter handle), I'd write them a random little Haiku and send it to them.
Here's a sample Haiku I'll call "Feline Wakeup Call":
Raspy chirped hello
a warm fuzzy good morning
demands must be met
I don't know, man, I'm just trying to branch out here.
I'm not 100% sure how, but I'd like to start selling crochet projects as I finish them. I'd love advice, because Etsy fees and shipping costs mean that's not a very viable place for me to sell right now, sadly.
Now, all of that aside, I should mention that the haiku was based entirely on the way my cat acted this morning. She greeted me with a raspy little chirp and was doing her best Velcro impression until she fell asleep in a sunbeam.
Hard to believe that it was so pretty this morning when it's drizzly and wet now.
Anywho, that's all some stuff I'm considering.
As for this week, I've got some art to work on! In addition to my guaranteed Word, there's been a Request for a Dedbert! If y'all have any other requests, feel free to step on over to my Ko-Fi and buy me a coffee with a message letting me know which category you'd like to see (Animal, Vegetable, Mineral, Dedbert, Location, Geometric, Word) and I'll make it for Thursday!!!
Next Monday I should have something crocheted, though I'm still a tiny bit lost as to which thing I should make.
Next Tuesday, I'll be back here to blather a bit more.
As for my wordcount, today's was 147 words. This week's total was 1151 words. The document total is now a whopping 16.7k words! I'm pretty pleased with this week's progress despite missing a day or two here or there as exhaustion set in.
On a final and unrelated note, I'm finding myself missing Dungeons & Dragons, a bit. I was really into it in the 00s-10s, but I fell out of it and have fallen far behind all these new editions. I started in 3.5e, and honestly, I'm weirded out by all the ways things have changed since those halcyon days of my idle youth. Stereotypical Grown Up Stuff, I suppose.
I might start looking into writing up a campaign at some point, though, just to clear the rust off.
Alright, I think that will probably do it for me tonight. I'm pretty sleepy and I have a lot of art to finish up tomorrow!
Go Enjoy