Thursday, May 4, 2023

Thursday Art Walk

It's Thursday, and I HAVE ART!!!

I don't just have one piece of art today, I have three! How productive of me!

First up, we have a silly little fanart I did of a Bulbasaur taking a nap in a Venusaur's flower!

"Bulbasnore"; watercolor on 100% rag 300gsm/140lb; 5"x7"; 2023

Aren't they cute? I really like how the background got so soft and swirly!

Next up we've got the blog mascot Dedbert sipping at some kind of pink soda! This one was requested via Ko-Fi and was the first of these three to actually be finished.

"Dedbert Drink"; watercolor on 100% rag 300gsm/140lb; 5"x7"; 2023

Finally, we have the Guaranteed category from last week - "WORD". For this one, I drew a d4 with the highest roll, a laurel wreath, and the word "Lucky". Check it out - the U is a horseshoe!!!

"LUCKY"; watercolor on 100% rag 300gsm/140lb; 5"x7"; 2023

I'm pretty pleased with what I came up with this week. I'd love to hear any feedback y'all have. While I do have to moderate my comments, I'm happy to hear back when you leave them.

If you'd like to make a category request via Ko-Fi, send me a coffee with a message telling me which category you'd like (ANIMAL, VEGETABLE, MINERAL, DEDBERT, LOCATION, GEOMETRIC, WORD), and I'll finish your art for next Thursday to post on the blog!

I've got a lot of ideas this week, so we'll see how many paintings, sketches, drawings, or digital works I make next week!

That'll about do it for me today!

Go Enjoy Something!

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