Monday, June 14, 2021

Fiber Monday


In Which Some Progress Is Better Than No Progress

Guess who did the bare minimum on their crochet project this week after getting repeatedly distracted by literally everything on earth? This dingdong!!!

But I still managed a couple of rows:

It doesn't look like much, but we're now at 100% length!

As you can see, it's pretty!

And it's a long boi lol

And I'm starting on the decreases soon!

Turns out this big boi is about 19.5" long (49.53cm), which is honestly a lil longer than I thought, but that's good because the bread bowl is also a longboi lol.

Also I'm about 51% done with this project now!

It's about 10pm now, which is honestly about 12 hours later than I should've posted, so apologies about that, but I'm super duper excited about something I'll talk about tomorrow (hopefully before midnight lol).

Alright that'll do it for me tonight! I'm gonna go play a Pokemon game and waffle about on the internet until I pass out :P

Go Enjoy Something!

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