Sunday, July 15, 2018

Survival Sunday 5

I don't have any recipes or ramen to show off this week. I haven't really had the time or energy to cook, if I'm being honest. Between the heat and humidity and the lack of space in the kitchen, I'm forced to leave you with only or spice of the week (though it's actually an herb, technically, I'm pretty sure...)

Behold the Bay Leaf:

I took this before I had my coffee...

This container is filled with whole dried leaves, which are often seen as an aromatic (strong-smelling or -tasting) herbal ingredient in soups, stuffing, and other European recipes. It is used a lot like tea leaves are: you let it leach its flavor into a dish, but you pull it out when it's done steeping. Having tried to eat bay leaves I've found in  pasta sauce, I can assure you that while bay is edible, its leathery texture is not very palatable. And that's coming from someone who loves pudding skin...

That's all from me this Sunday.

Go Enjoy something!

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