Thursday, November 10, 2022

Thursday Art Walk


In Which Plans Sometimes Fall Through
And That's Okay

I'm working on some more abstract digital art, and that's going... weirdly. I made a major oopsie last night, didn't catch it til this afternoon, and had to start over.

It's not getting done tonight.

So about an hour ago, I ate some spaghetti and decided to try a Timer Challenge.

The prompts I drew were "Self Portrait" and "Fruit". My times were "20 minutes" and "5 minutes".

I grabbed a Ticonderoga Black and my big green sketchbook, and I got to work.

"20 Minute Self Portrait"; graphite on sketch paper; 2022

"Five Minute Pears"; graphite on sketch paper; 2022

I'm honestly way happier with the pears than the self portrait... but what can I really expect from a 20 minute self portrait? I wasn't taking my time, I wasn't getting everything perfect, I was beating a timer?

If you're looking for a good exercise to get your creative juices going, I'd recommend looking up an art prompt, then randomly assigning yourself a time. If you'd like to add a little D&D element to this exercise, go pick a prompt from somewhere, then roll a d10 on this table for times!

  1. 30 seconds
  2. 1 minute
  3. 5 minutes
  4. 10 minutes
  5. 15 minutes
  6. 20 minutes
  7. 30 minutes
  8. 45 minutes
  9. 1 hour
  10. Roll 2x

Speaking of prompts, if you'd like to have a say in what I draw next, feel free to buy me a coffee over on Ko-Fi and leave a message there with which category of mine you'd like to see next! Today's categories were "Animal" (the self-portrait) and "Vegetable" (the pears). Available categories are:
  • Animal
  • Vegetable
  • Mineral
  • Dedbert
  • Location
  • Geometric
  • Word
I'll get back to work on my digital mess, now.

Go Enjoy Something!

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