Sunday, July 8, 2018

Survival Sunday 4

If you've been following the blog so far, you know that this week, I promised to give you something to do with our three spices so far: Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, and Paprika. So here it is, guys, I present you:

Garlic Bread for People who Can't Cook!

You'll need:

  • Some kind of bread product (anything will work, but I've used 2 slices white sandwich bread because that's what we had).
  • Some butter or margarine or whatever kind of buttery spread you use on toast
  • Some onion powder
  • Some garlic powder
  • Some paprika (I used smoked paprika, whatever kind you like is what you should use, and it's also optional)
1) You should leave your butter out long enough for it to get soft and spreadable if you don't have a specifically spreadable butter. If, like me, you live somewhere that gets to about 90 degrees during the day, this shouldn't take long. Put a napkin or paper towel under the stick of butter if you don't have some other way to keep the fats and oils from staining your cabinets.

Don't worry about brands, this is just what I had on hand.

2) Once your butter is easily spreadable, spread it on your bread! I should note that this means you should absolutely never, ever try to make this recipe in a vertical toaster (the kind where you press down the lever and the toast pops up when it's done) because the butter would melt and catch fire in your toaster. Do this in a toaster oven or a conventional oven. You can also toast this in a pan, but that's a pain in the butt, I find.

Beautifully buttered bread. Seriously, I never do this without some tearing! Don't toast it yet.
3) Pick either your garlic or onion powder and lay down a good sprinkle of it onto your buttery bread - however much or little you want to get it tasty to you. I like a strong, oniony-garlicky toast, so I add a lot of both.

Onions are toxic to both cats and dogs. Don't feed this to your pets. Also, as you can see by the price sticker, Onion Powder can be super cheap.

Sprinkling the onion powder can be messy, but it smells great :)
4) Next you're going to want to lay down the other powdered bulb bits (in my case, garlic).

Out of focus camera was out of focus. My bad.

That's a powdery toast! Don't worry, there's still enough butter open to stick the paprika on.
5) Finally, we're adding the Paprika! The Paprika gives it an extra kick of flavor and also makes it look really cool.

I like the smoked paprika because it smells and tastes really good.

I don't add too much paprika because it can overpower the garlic if you're not careful, and when you toast it, it can burn if it's too clumped up.
6) Time to toast these bad boys! I have a toaster oven with light and dark toast options in addition to the temperature options. If you use a toaster oven to toast with, use whatever settings you prefer. You may have to experiment a bit to get the toast properly crispy in a conventional oven.

We've tried washing the door - the grease is now considered permanent.

I promise, the toasts are in there.

Turned it to dark toast because I like my bread basically burned.

Toasting along. The rods were red at this point. Don't know why they don't show up that way...
Sometimes you get helpers while making things with butter. Here's mine pretending that she didn't just try and take a mouthful of dairy fats off of the countertop seconds before...

"Well fine, I didn't want your delicious butter anyway. Screw you, human."

7) Now your toast should be done! Take it out of your toaster and admire its beauty!

Crispy delicious garlic toast being removed with my bamboo toaster tongs.

Ever played Surgeon Simulator? It's kinda like that, but with garlic toast.

You don't have to leave the toaster open with this model, but I do it anyway to let it cool down better.

Our toast is complete! Now for the nomming!
If you liked that recipe, hopefully I'll have more for you in the future.

No spice of the week this week - I needed a break from the spice cabinet this week :P Next week, we'll talk about some more spices and/or herbs, and possibly another Hopeless Cooking Recipe.

Go Enjoy Something!

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