Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Talk-About Tuesday 4

Most mornings, I get up around 9 and wander down to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. It’s not really coffee – it’s a sachet of Swiss Miss with a spoonful of instant Nescafe Tasters Choice – but I consider it as close to coffee as I get besides coffee ice cream. I’m not going to have coffee ice cream for breakfast, after all…

So I get my coffee, I pour in my half-and-half, and I wander back out to the living room to scrunch myself up comfortably on the couch and then immediately have to get back up to find out how far apart and how far across the house the tv and Roku remotes are. Remotes in hand, I’ll go settle back into my pretzel position on the couch and drink coffee while watching YouTube videos (lately, it’s been SpaceHamster’s playthrough of Dark Souls Remastered). It makes me wish I had a better computer and more money so that I could play some of these crazy games, like Dark Souls, Elder Scrolls Online, or something like that.

I’d be terrible. I suck at action games. A lot.

While I’m fueling my caffeine addiction, I generally start letting my mind wander to things I’ve learned this week. Which is what I’m going to write down here:

Sam the Keeper from Werewolf was totally on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries in the 90s, portraying a dude who probably strangled his crazy wife with a dog leash and then disappeared. He really looked like the guy, too (but not missing the same fingers). Also, he currently has a small press and is known as the “walking poet”. Neat guy :) Also the same guy in the Black Hole Sun music video.

There’s not very much in this world that gamers either a) don’t already know, or b) won’t find out quickly. If there’s a secret in a game, they’ll find it. It might take a few years, but they’ll find it eventually. Don’t leave personal information in games you develop.

Even really, really cool guys make really bad mistakes. Always run background checks on people you’re going to work for and with in wrestling. Actually, that might just be a good idea no matter what.

Writing is hard when you don’t have any time to write – try to give yourself time and space for writing.

I think that’s about all for this week, fellas, (and just as SpaceHamster eats a bunch of curse and dies hardcore) so I’m gonna leave you all here :)

Have a great day and
Enjoy Something!


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