Monday, November 11, 2019

Fiber Monday 246: I Made A Thing!

In Which I Finish Another Pumpkin!

Not to put too fine a point on it, but I feel like I've been on fire lately for crochet :)

Here are all of the bean stitch rows finished!

I ended up having to tear out the final stitches about a dozen times because I literally cannot figure out the tension so that it's not too spaced-out! Regardless, I eventually reduced down from 30 to 24 to 18 to 12 to 6 stitches and ended up with a finished pumpkin!
And then I jammed a stick in it.
Apparently, they used hot glue and rolled up felt in the original pattern.
I had neither, so a stick it was.
After I got the stick in place, I began to use the very, very long tail I had left over to slowly section off the pumpkin so it wasn't just a blob with a stick in it.

Here's one view of the finished pumpkin!

Here's another!

I wish I had been able to take better pictures of this project, but it's a gray and gross day, so better pictures will have to wait :| Such is life.

So that's another gourd finished! Are there any requests for the next project? Any suggestions for future attempts at this pattern?

Because that's all for me, today!

Go Enjoy Something!

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