Thursday, November 7, 2019

Thursday Art Walk 245: Bubbly Bones

In Which I Utterly Lost Track of Time

First of all - my apologies for being so late with this. I was really getting into the art and... uh... I may have gotten a bit Sharpied. Sorry if I'm also incoherent lol.

But I have wonderful news! I have finished my Halloween Bubble Project!

"Spooky Scary Bubbly Bones"; Sharpie on Art Paper; 2019

As you may have guessed from the name, this piece is based off of the lyrics to the Spooky Scary Skeletons song!

A Closeup
This bubble art project was a lot of fun, but I could really use some new Sharpies - my gold and bronze markers are drying up and I'm running low on some of the purples.

I'm definitely thinking of doing some winter and/or Christmas-related pieces next, since this one is still a little bananas as far as color variation goes. I'm thinking of using only greens and reds for Christmas, and using only blues, silver, and white space for the general winter project.

I should also get another giant art pad (18 x 24) for huge projects like this!

I mean, I could buy posterboard, by that stuff can be a buck a sheet, and I'd rather have 50 sheets for 20 bucks lol. Also, posterboard is a bit too smooth. I need some tooth or else I feel like I'm making fake art. Not 100% sure what's up with that.

All that is to say that: YAY I'M DONE WITH THIS PIECE!

That'll do it from me today. I'm dizzy and tired from fumes, but I feel very accomplished. I'll probably plan out my next piece.

Go Enjoy Something!

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