Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Talk About Tuesday 437

In Which I Am No Longer Sick
Well... that's a bit of a mistruth - I still have a slight sniffle, but I'm no longer flush-faced and miserable, so that counts as a win in my book!

It's another gross, gray day here in the Blanket Fort. It's around 35℉ (~1.5℃) and vaguely wet outside - it can't decide whether it's just cloudy or raining or... snowing.

Yeah. It's trying to be winter. Already.

Anyway, here are my plans for the week:

  • Tomorrow I'll talk about wrestling!
  • Thursday will be a glorious day of doodles
  • Friday I'll talk about Dolemite and how it differs from Dolemite Is My Name
  • Saturday I'll talk about a cute mobile game I'm playing
  • Sunday I'll talk about some kind of tasty food
  • Monday I'll talk about what I'm making and how I learned to crochet
  • Next Tuesday I'll blather about life, the weather, etc
So, that's been my week - a day with a crummy cold followed by a day with, at worst, a slightly runny nose and itchy eyelids. I actually crocheted quite a bit yesterday, but I was in no mood to show it off.

Also the cat accidentally released a poop on the stovetop when no one was looking (poor thing), so that was gross. Don't worry, I cleaned and sanitized.

I'm kinda bummed that I missed out on Parasite and hanging out with my partner and friends yesterday.

That's life, though. I would've felt awful if I'd made them sick!

Yeah, that'll do it for me today!

Go Enjoy Something!

[EDIT] Apparently I NEVER POSTED THIS?! Geez...

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