Monday, February 8, 2021

Fiber Monday


In Which I Continue With The Stocking

I'm... tired.

Okay, so I'm always tired. I'm over 30. We tend to be more tired after 29. It's just life.

But I'm pretty tired today - it never felt like the day started. It's 7:30PM now and I just feel like my day is now beginning which is not good since that always leads to overextending myself and staying up too late lol.

But yeah, I'm tired. Which explains why I only got about 4 rounds finished on the stocking :(

Did I take the picture before realizing that I shouldn't give away a pattern that isn't mine?
Yes. Yes I did.
Go To the pattern website, plz lol

Since it is hard to see the site on the picture, here's a link.

Now, I'm using a different width than the lovely pattern developer, so there's.... a lot of blue space. And I'll be cross-stitching over the antlers. And I added some snowflakes/geometric designs. I can't wait to show you the... mostly finished product! I won't be posting pictures of the name cross-stitched on (privacy is pretty important, yeah?) but I'll show you everything except that :) I may even show you how I do one or two stitches (but not the finished name).

Today, besides being sleepy, was also cold. It was sunny, the yard was completely blanketed in a marshmallowy pile of snow, and it was all of 19℉ (-7.2℃). It was also windy. It's certainly February.

Alright - it's almost 8pm and I feel a need for tea before I settle in with some silly videos for the night :)

Go Enjoy Something!

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