Monday, June 6, 2022

Fiber Monday


< Insert Vague Gibbering Sounds >

Y'all ever have a project that refuses to come together? That's this Mystery Project for me. I've tried about 8 different ways to stabilize the mouth of the purse and I'm beginning to think...

That I'm overthinking it.

I just need to get another white zipper and sew it in.

That's literally all I need to do.

I don't need to make some crazy stabilizing hoop or wire ring.

I just need a zipper.

That'll be good enough.

Then I can focus on stiffening the floor of the cap (which I already planned on doing with probably plastic and another disc of crochet), and finishing the straps.

Oh, you may think, weren't you already working on the straps?


Yes I was.

I've been working on those straps for what, two weeks now?

And I can't figure out what to use!

Originally I wanted a strap of stacked mushrooms in various lace stitches.

Then I thought "well, since that's not working out, why not make 3 lines of leafy vines which would be braided and then use those for straps!"

But then I remembered that 1: I have zero patience and B: I suck at braiding.

So then I was like "oh, but what if I embroider little mushrooms on a 10 stitch wide single crochet strap?!"

Again, not patient. Cannot embroider well enough to do that. The sc strap would take an eternity.

So instead I'm planning on doing a 10dc wide band which will take half as long as the sc band (in theory) and hopefully that will do well. Now I just need to decide if I wanna do red or beige for the straps.

Sorry there's no pics, but man oh man have I been busy (as you'll see tomorrow lol).

Go Enjoy Something, folks.

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