Thursday, June 30, 2022

Thursday Art Walk


In Which Another Dream is Made

This week's theme was "Animal", so a huge shoutout and thank you to Z, who caffeinated today's painting into existence!

Last week, I painted some pretty diamonds that had some neat color mixing, so I decided I'd try something similar this week! Except I did that thing I do where I do Too Much all at once...

I have 7 different watercolor palettes now - my original tube paints that I de-tubed, my Emooqi palette in the black tin, my Peter Pauper Press plastic palette, my pink-tinned metallics (another gift from Z, who is too fantastic for words), my Japanese metallic/pearlescents, my brush pens, and my watercolor pencils.

So I made a list of said palettes, and I added an 8th Category - "Mix", where I'd mix colors from 2 or more palettes together.

And for each palette, there was the number of colors plus the "Mix" category for within said category.

Yeah... for someone who supposedly hates math I sure do a lot of it for art...

Anyway, I used a random number generator and picked my palettes and colors based off of that!

For an entire image.

Last time, I just had numbers 1-96 and picked from either the Peter Pauper Press (1-48) palette or the Emooqi one (49-96).

This time, I got a number between 1-8 and then from there, I determined what the combinations were.

It was... a lot of numbers. I filled a sheet of notebook paper with two columns of colors!

Speaking of Paper, I used a sheet of my larger watercolor paper cut down by 50% across the middle. I don't use this paper often because it's 1) big, 2) unwieldy, and 3) expensive, but I'm so glad I used it today - none of my other paper would've looked as nice, and frankly, even the nice Hot Pressed block I used last week would've been too small.

"Deep Jelly Dreams"; Watercolor on paper; 2022

Top Detail

Middle Detail

Bottom Detail

This is another Dream image, and I hope some day to make a collection of Dreamscapes like this. I just really like the colors and the flow.

And yes, that's a small pink hammerhead shark sneaking out of the darkness in the bottom right corner.

I hope this piece made you smile, today. I have to say, working on it was super fun - each color, every wash and layer, was a surprise and a joy! If you've got a bunch of art supplies and you're getting stagnant on them, then I strongly recommend making a randomization table and creating based off of that!

For now though, I'll be heading off to bed. It's been a long day! If you're interested in choosing next week's theme, head over to my Ko-Fi account and send me a coffee with a message saying "Animal" "Vegetable" "Mineral" "Geometric" or "Location", depending on which category you'd like to see next!

Go Enjoy Something!

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