Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Talk About Tuesday 318?

In Which I Blather

It's been a heck of a month, guys.

It's both flown past and stuck around way too long.

The less said about how much this all sucks the better. You all know it sucks. You're living it, too.

Small consolation.

Still, I've been making progress in my artistic endeavors.

  • I'm learning digital art (finally). I suck, but you have to be bad at something in order to get good.
  • I'm making good progress on my book!
  • I'm learning how to exercise without hurting myself.
  • I'm learning new ways to play Breath of the Wild.
  • I'm trying to figure out how to stream when all I have is a fairly... meh laptop.
  • I learned how to use watch2gether
  • I'm relistening to The Legacy Music Hour, my favorite podcast!
On the other hand...
  • I'm losing track of what day of the week is what
  • I'm bored out of my mind half the time and stressed out of my mind all of the time
  • my sleep schedule is literally dead
  • I don't like sucking at things before I get good at them so it can be hard to keep my spirits up
  • I've started way more crochet projects than I'd care to admit...
  • I haven't cleaned my room yet. I should clean my room.
  • At least my hygiene hasn't slipped. Yet.
So yeah, it's kind of a bummer Tuesday. I woke up to snow (SNOW IN APRIL WTH), it's cloudy and bleh outside, and I just want things to go back to normal.

Which isn't happening just yet. I know I have to be patient. The more patient I am, the easier it will go.

I'll be restarting daily updates in May, guys - possibly with a new look if things pan out.

Go Enjoy Something!

1 comment:

  1. I've never gotten into digital art much. I prefer to draw by hand. But always good to learn new skills, especially during this time.


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