Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thursday Art Walk 315: Indoors Edition

In Which It's Very Wet Out...

The order has finally come down. Everyone in my state has been ordered to stay at home unless working or buying groceries/necessities. This sucks, because I won't be seeing my partner face-to-face for a while, which is going to be emotionally hard on both of us. Thankfully there are such things as phones and video chats, because otherwise, I'd be a miserable puddle of mush.

This also means that I suddenly have a lot of time for artistic experimentation on my hands (as do many of us, if we're non-essentials...)

So today, I decided to try something new. I did my usual coordinates like I do for bubble art, but instead of circles, I made lines!!!

Observe, lines with more lines in between!

Then I took each color for a section (so blue, magenta, and purple for one section, but blue/purple/yellow for another) and sketched in the empty spaces with hash marks!

"Indoors"; Sharpie on printer paper; 2020

I think I might start doing a bunch of weird, experimental stuff on Thursdays, so keep an eye out for more strange imagery!

Right now, though, I'm going to let my body recover from all these permanent marker fumes and relax with a cup of coffee. I'll probably watch some PushingUpRoses on YouTube and possibly even some old LGR coverage of SIMS games...

Go Enjoy Something
Preferably from the comfort of your own home


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