Monday, August 10, 2020

So Full of Sushi!


"Too Full of Sushi" MS Paint 2020

Oh man... I'm not gonna try to tell you some tale of being too busy to crochet - the tiny picture says it all.

I gorged myself on spicy tuna, fried chicken, and beef bulgogi today.

I promise you, I did crochet this week...

I'm just so full, and so, so sleepy lol!

So I wanted to let you guys know why Fiber Monday didn't really happen - I was stuffing myself and shopping for Asian Noodles (while practicing social distancing, increased hygiene, and wearing a mask at all non-face-stuffing times. In short - I'm feeling fat tonight, so no crochet :P

I'll probably blather some more tomorrow :)

Go Enjoy Something!


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