Thursday, August 13, 2020

Thursday Art Walk: Getting Chunky With It

Yes, It Took 3 Days To Recover

So... I ate a lot of sushi, and then I followed it up with some of the spiciest noodles I've had in a while! If you get those (I recommend giving your business to a local Asian market if possible!) then I hope you're able to digest milk proteins because A) it contains powdered mozzarella (?!) and 2) you need more cheese. I hate drinking milk, but they were so hot that I had to just do it. Not that I could taste the milk with how hot the noodz were...

Anyway, so I've been a bit... stuffed recently.

Hence today's artwork: 

"Oinker" Digital art; 2020

Is it the most complex art I've ever done? No. Did I whip it out in about 20 minutes using a touchpad because I didn't want to run upstairs for my awesome tablet and I'm working on a more complex sketch for hopefully next week? Yes.

It also describes perfectly how I feel. Full, porky, and very, very pleased with myself.

So if you've maybe overdone it this week, don't worry - you're not alone, and sometimes a little overindulgence is what you need to jumpstart your ability to take care of yourself properly. For instance, today I did situps in the air conditioned room across the hall to offset the feasting this week lol!

The point of living is in and of itself - living. You cannot live without joy, and if the best joy you can find right now are stir-fried instant noodles and videos about snakes, then that is what you should do! If it's books and mochi, do that. If it's dance, then dance, and if it's laying on the floor and watching the ceiling fan spin while your cat kneads your stomach then do that. You can't be productive if you're miserable, so definitely:

Go Enjoy Something!


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