Monday, November 9, 2020

Fiber Monday - Spider Web Doily


In Which I'm Working On Many Things

It's Gifting Season, which means I'm prepping my family's Christmas gifts and hoping what I make will fit them. As a way to relax, though, I decided to work on a doily. The Spider Web Doily, to be specific! This doily pattern is taken from Doily Bouquet, Star Book 71 from the American Thread Company in 1950, so I'm working a vintage crochet pattern. Luckily, a lot of modern language had already been hammered out by then, so the pattern is very legible. I do wish there was a diagram, though, because some of the pattern repeats can be a little tricky!

I'm on round 17 out of 33, and boy does it not feel like I'm halfway done...

I think it's looking alright, though!

Hopefully, I'll finish this off by next week, when I hope to have several other projects finished.

Go Enjoy Something!

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