Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Talk About Tuesday


In Which I Am Working Hard!

Sweet Caroline (bum bum bum)!

I am a wee bit pooped. Why? Because the Christmas Crunch continues and I'm trying my best to figure out how to make one of my gifts lol. I'm also making up a second, and I have a few more left to make/finish. I am pretty pleased with my progress, but I'll be happy to give the frequent crochet a break soon lol.

As for the rest of this week, my plan is to start doing more art tomorrow (maybe after taking a quick hop down to the shops to see about a silvervine twig or some nip for my cat...).

I'll also be working on art for Thursday, but who knows what will come out.

Actually, I might be trying something for 2023. We'll see if I manage it. I miss making videos, but I don't often cook, so I was thinking I could maybe sum up my creative endeavors over a week over on YouTube? Like a slideshow of my art, anything I might find on walks, any food I make, crochet I've made, etc? Would there be any interest on that? I would have to teach myself how to add voiceover, and learn more editing skills, but it might be fun.

Aside from that, I don't have much to talk about besides that I'm very tired, I constantly crave beef jerky, and keep making weird grumbly sounds.

Think I'm turning into a bear.

Hibernating sounds very nice.

I do have other plans and ideas, too:

  • I'd like to beat Winter 1 on Stardew in my latest farm
  • I'd like to find a book to read
  • I'd like to earn another Amazon Card or 6 through Mistplay or whatever so I can preorder Tears of the Kingdom (which, if y'all are very patient, I might even try to review, because this did used to be a gaming blog...)
  • I'd like to bake more bread
  • I'd like to get back to polishing rocks, because that was fun
  • I'd like to drop a few pounds so it's easier to ride my bike.
  • I'd like to hike a mountain, locally, with my camera
  • I'd like to go to the beach more often next year. Maybe take 1 day per week to stroll the shore.
  • I'd like to make some Goblin Jewelry (find random stuff and string it like beads - twigs, seeds, acorns, pebbles, shells, etc)
  • I'd like to make sushi - proper sushi.
I have a lot of ideas.

I don't have a lot of energy.

Somehow I need to figure out how to match these two things up.

If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to comment below - I don't see anyone's email addresses or whatever, just a name and a comment!

And if you want a say in this week's art, feel free to shoot me a coffee over on Ko-Fi with an attached message telling me the category you're looking for - Animal, Vegetable, Mineral, Location, Geometric, Dedbert, or Word!

For now, I think that'll do it from me today. I am having a bear of a time focusing ;)

Go Enjoy Something!

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