Monday, December 26, 2022

Fiber Monday


In Which I Am Pooped
And I'm Sure You Are Too.

Friends, Craftsfolk, Netizens...

The Christmas Crunch of 2022 is finally over.

I was hooking up a storm right up til 9AM on Christmas morning, finishing my dad's gift - a simple half-double-crochet hat - and it's finally, finally over.

Now begins the Christmas Crash.

The Christmas Crash is exactly what it sounds like - after you've finished the Crush, you're exhausted, so you basically take a week off. As 99% of my activities were Crochet-Related, I'll be taking the rest of this week away from yarn, I think.

If that changes, you'll know because I'll have something new next Monday and a frantic explanation of why I totally couldn't take time off because I had a great idea lol.

For now, though, I'll take a break. My knuckles are sore and it'd be nice to watch a video without subconsciously counting stitches.

It is so important to take breaks. Please remember to rest your hands after a long period of crafting! You can't make if you can't move!

I should be back tomorrow to talk about the final stretch to Christmas and my plans for the next few days, but for now...

Go Enjoy Something!

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