Thursday, December 1, 2022

Thursday Art Walk


In Which I Played With Pixels & Blending

So today, I have a couple of small (250px square) images. They're both digital art.

They're also the same image.

So in the first image, I drew in It's all squares, believe it or not!

"Blockage" digital art; 2022

As you can see it's a bit fuzzy because the scaling got messed up again. I switched to a new computer, one I'll be using strictly for art, and it's a learning process.

After making this piece, I copied the canvas and strolled over to Krita, where I tried out the blenders.

What I wanted was to blend each square into the next.

What I got was an out-of-focus misty background.

"Blendage" digital art; 2022

Now, obviously, I have a lot to learn about how Krita and work, especially now that I'm using a 2-in-1 tablet/laptop with a dynamic pen!

As for that pen... it doesn't seem to respond accurately to Krita. If anyone knows what they're doing in Krita and can point me towards a way to make a Latitude 7390 with dynamic pen work with Krita, please let me know.

It'd be really fun to play with line weights in a more naturalistic way.

I did end up scribbling a few different sketches in both Krita and, but I forgot to save those as sharable images, so you'll just have to trust me when I say I think I can make these programs work.

As for the rest of tonight, I have a virtual date with a certified cutie and we're gonna watch some YouTube together.

This is not a euphemism. I am, in fact, that boring.

Until next week,

Go Enjoy Something!

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