Thursday, March 31, 2022

Thursday Art Walk


I Was Gonna Paint, but Nah.

I have been sleeping poorly again. Blame the weather! It's been freezing the last few nights and then suddenly last night was warm enough that I had to switch from fuzzy pants and my big red blanket to yoga pants and my light sheet and cotton blanket. And I still roasted at times. With the fan on.

Clearly I'm not ready for spring.

My plans to sketch or paint today ended up being for naught. Instead, I ended up doodling a quick lil cube-y piece in digital art for y'all!

"Cubism 01 Black" digital art 2022

"Cubism 01 White" digital art 2022

Hmm... what do you guys think? I'm interested in the ways the colors blend, but some of the green/purple stuff looks weird to me. I will be trying a lot of ways to play with colors before I figure out what's going to work, so please bear with me!

I wonder if I can do the angle/line trick on

We shall see!!!

Anyway, that's what I've got today! If you've got any palette suggestions or image suggestions, feel free to send them along!

I hope y'all are having some creative days this week, and if not, I hope you're at least relaxing!

Go Enjoy Something!

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