Monday, June 25, 2018

Fiber Monday 3

Oh man. I blew it this week - I've been working on so much other stuff (and getting distracted) that I neglected to do more than a row on the scarf. I have, however, started on a massive and time-consuming fiber-based project: Pandora's Skein.

See, a few years back, I was handed a few sacks (read: enormous garbage bags) full of yarn. One of these sacks had another bag in it, the kind they use for pillows or polyfill. In this bag, there was, supposedly, a POUND of blue yarn (at least, I think it was just a pound. Having held up the contents for extended periods of time, I think they were underselling). This yarn is a nice blue color - like a light cobalt, almost - and I'd love to use it in a project or three.

Unfortunately, it's in the worst, most tangled mess of a skein I have ever laid eyes on. I literally can't unravel it without pulling the only free end I could find through the body of the skein over and over. I'm sure there's an easier way than what I'm doing. I probably either can't afford it or don't have room to do it or am just dumb.

Regardless - here is the monster skein in all its shaggy, nonsensical glory, with a size 8.5 boot in front of it for scale.

Yes, that's a clothes hanger behind it.

It's hard to tell, but that's all I've managed to pull from it. It's not much.
May your own fiber endeavors be much easier than mine, and as always

Go Enjoy Something!


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