Saturday, June 23, 2018

Saturday Casual Gaming 2

Saturday Casual Gaming

Game: Squid Ink
Platform: PC
Type: Casual, Clicker, Upgrades
Created by Lollygag Games

This game is fairly straightforward – you wave your cursor over colorful, adorable squids to gain ink to upgrade your squids so you can get ink. It’s the squid version of that 90s anti-cocaine ad. You start off with a tiny squid and only black ink, but as you go on, you get bigger and more colorful squids and ink, all of which can earn you in-game currency (shells) and premium currency (doubloons). Best of all, the doubloons are free in-game so you don’t have to spend money. (which begs the question of why there are even two currencies...)

The levelup process is ridiculously fast early on. Within five minutes I was level 51 and hauling in millions of ounces of ink per second.

Really, there’s not much to the game, it’s just a relaxing, flash-style game with squids, ink, seashells, etc.

One of the squids is a knight. His name is Sir Cephalopod. I hadn’t yet got him when I started writing this entry.

It’s really just a very cute, relaxing game. All of the squid designs are cute, the way they change sizes based on how much you upgrade them is cool, and the ocean sounds are kind of soothing and fun.

Sorry if this week’s gaming post is too short – there’s just not as much to say about a cute game of squid ink collection as I thought there’d be!

Go Enjoy Something!


Update – while playing this game I unlocked a powerup called “Magic Massager”. It’s a Hitachi wand. Wtf, game…

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