Monday, May 25, 2020

Fiber Monday 323: Giving Up

Uh, just to be clear, I'm just giving up on my internet today. Sorry for the clickbaity title.

I've been trying for the last hour to upload pics of what I've done this week, and it's just not going well - internet has been a real turd today.

So let me just tell you how today has gone, crochet-wise:

  • Another repeat on the Downton Abbey shrug! I'm 1/4" closer to being done!
  • I did a few repeats on my hair scarves, which means I'm closer to completion on those, too!
  • I made another arm for my very colorful sasquatch/yeti doll I'm working on
  • I did some work on a vest
  • I did some work on some shorts, decided I hated the way they looked, the fiber I was using, and the pattern itself, so I ditched those. Translated patterns are always a crapshoot.

So I'm being productive, I just... don't have the best internet today :|

Go Enjoy Something!

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