Thursday, May 21, 2020

Thursday Art Walk 322: Inspiration Strikes

Sometimes, the inspiration just hits ya

I am a big fan of CosTube - YouTubers who  make fashion and costumes and such - and recently one of the ladies I follow, Angela Clayton, gave an update on her efforts to recreate a famous Worth Gown. Worth was a gentleman who made some of the wildest gowns in the 1800s, so to see modern people making their own versions is wonderful.

Ms Clayton used a beautiful reflective mesh for her overskirt, and my imagination went wild. I know you can't really see this image (no matter what I did to the contrast, it wouldn't come out right...), but it made me think of dragons.

Dragon Gown 1

Actually, yeah, the photo I took with my phone looks better than the actual scan. What the heck...

Dragon Gown 2

I know it's hard to tell what you're looking at, but that's okay - I'm planning on digitizing the art and making a more visible version of it in my drawing program. Basically, it's a white dress to resemble a white dragon, but with the magic of digital art, I can create a lineart version, then make recolors galore. Hopefully I can figure out how to make things look like gold lamé, since that's what the gold version of the dress would have.

I don't think I'll ever have the skill necessary to make real live versions of this outfit, though, so don't expect to see me do that :P

Then again...

If I just make it a pants-set...

But no, that would be just as hard.

I cannot sew lol.

Regardless, I will get to work on drawing these bizarre dragon princess gowns (maybe each one will be slightly different?!) until this inspiration leaves me.

Just... don't expect boobs.

Dragons are lizard-like beings. They don't appear to suckle their young, and most mammary-bearing critters hide their boobs until they're nursing, so... dragon ladies probably don't show much cleavage lol.

Which is why I chose an 18th Century stays-based bodice - hide them girls.

Anyway, that'll about do it for me today - I have some things to do (including a bike to ride!). It's gorgeous out, at 65℉ (18.333℃), slightly hazy, breezy, and nice.

Go Enjoy Something!

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