Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Talk About Tuesday 322

In Which I'm ... late.
Today was a good day, more or less. There were ducks, hummingbirds, and tasty homemade chicken tenders. I went for a very nice walk, I washed some rugs, I did some squats. I also mastered Whistle-Sprinting in Breath of the Wild (a speedrunning tactic where you hold down the whistle button and tap the run button while holding the direction you want to run - way harder than it sounds). But I did forget to do one thing.


I forgot to write my blog this morning.

Which is why it's up now lol.

Here's my plans for the next 7 days:

  • Tomorrow I'll talk Wrestling
  • Thursday will involve art!
  • Friday might be about some weirdness I've seen online?
  • Saturday will probably be an update on how my gaming has been going lol
  • Sunday will probably be about something I've eaten rather than food I've made
  • Next Monday I'll update you on the crochet projects I've done
  • Next Tuesday I'll be back to blather, hopefully on time!
I'll be working on more fun things tomorrow, keeping up on the novel, and maybe going for another walk (or bike ride!)

I think that'll probably do it for me tonight - I've got a book to write, wrestling to watch, and crochet to hook :P

Go Enjoy Something!

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