Monday, January 14, 2019

Fiber Monday 203: Kirby pt 3

I never did locate a darker pink yarn for the feet, so I've moved on to the arms this week! Both arms are identical to each other, so I'm only showing you one.

One of the things that is driving me batty about this amigurumi is this:
everything is written in odd numbers.
The arms start with 3 sc. THREE.
I'm used to the old "multiples of 6" progression scheme...

The next step is to make 3sc into one stitch, then sc in each stitch around (5 sc total)

3 sc in one stitch, sc around (8sc)

I'm pretty sure I've missed a photo...
The progression is bizarre.
5 > 8 > 9 > 11 > 13 > 15 > 15.
What even is this.

It makes a cute little thumb-cover, tbh.

It even has the kind of dip-shape that my thumb has from knuckle to tip!

Conclusion: Kirby's arms are all thumbs.
Kirby = clumsy.
It's science. You can't argue with that.
In case it isn't obvious, of course I'm being silly here. Kirby can't be all thumbs. He's a semi-amorphous blob of devourment. If anything, he's all stomach.

Regardless, here's the pattern again (I skipped the feet, and I'll go back to them next week :P)

After we finish all of Kirby's limbs, I'll show how I stuff it and then we'll do our best to sew it together. Yikes.

It's not gonna be pretty, guys.

Making his face will also be unpretty.

I'm not an embroiderer.

Go Enjoy Something!

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