Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Talk About Tuesday 203

My god am I behind on writing.

It's the third week of 2019. I should be rapidly approaching my third thousand word. Nope.

I'm around 300.

One of my supporting characters won't get off his rented truck.

But hey - writing can be messy sometimes! At least I remember everyone's names and motivations and I know where we're headed in the plot.  I don't, always ...

I dug up an old pair of Steampunk goggles I used to use as sunglasses. They're actually kind of helping me get into my main character's mindset, since she writes about a Steampunk detective. I've missed Jay and her growling bad moods and her weird obsessions.

I've missed writing.

Now if only I could make myself keep up... I'm probably going to have to put myself on a stricter schedule. No more sleeping past 10AM this year! I'll need to start setting up a workspace just for writing, too. It'll honestly likely just be a tv tray downstairs in the morning while I write...

The only other thing I'd like to say is that Resident Evil 6 is bad and the studio that pooped it out should feel bad. What the heck have I been watching on ProJared's Twitch and YouTube channels...

Go Enjoy Something!

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