Thursday, January 31, 2019

Thursday Art Walk 205

I'm sorry this is so late, but I've been having trouble sleeping lately, and I woke up late, which meant that everything took too long! That being said, have some Dedbert!

"Dedbert Goes to the Theater"; colored pencil on printer paper; 2019

Paperclip for scale :P
Hoo boy. I'm getting a bit fed up with how dumb Google Drive is being on my laptop. It's a real crapshoot on whether or not it will update my computer version of Drive after I've uploaded pictures, which is... super annoying. It only really likes to be a butt on Thursdays, I've noticed...

I think that'll do it for me today!

Go Enjoy Something!

[UPDATE: The moment I emailed the photos to myself, Drive updated. FML.]

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