Monday, July 20, 2020

Fiber Monday: Heat Wave

In Which It's Too Toasty for this Dorkbread.

I am of Northern stock.

My ancestors lived on the seas and in the foothills of foggy mountains.

I was not, therefore, designed to withstand 80+℉ (27+℃) weather with 80+% humidity. I am melting and it's not fun.

It's been this toasty for a while.

I started work on a new project. I have paused until I can put my arms down without my armpits sticking to themselves again.

I wanted to do more work on my shawl and my shrug - again, too sticky and hot. Ew.

Even the Cat has had it. No More! Make it stop!

So no real updates today. Hopefully tomorrow is cooler. If I had to guess, though, probably not :(

Yeah, no, tomorrow will be 81℉ (27℃) with 49% humidity, which means it'll feel like 89℉ (32℃).


I'll blather more tomorrow I think. Perhaps some time spent in the only AC in the house will help. It doesn't reach up to the Yarn Cave, though.

Go Enjoy Something (if you can lol)

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