Monday, August 27, 2018

Fiber Monday 12

Well, I think I'm just about done with the body of this cloth, guys. And it's already 81℉ outside, so don't expect me to wax poetic about the weather. This is a betrayal of my senses. Why is it also over 50% humidity?! Why is August so bad...

Anyway, here's our progress:

We're at 25 stitches, 25 rows.

If you're wondering why something that's 25 x 25 isn't square, now I get to tell you the truth.
Crochet stitches are not squares.
They're rectangles.
That's why knitting patterns cannot translate properly.
So next week, I'll be working on the border of this cloth. The body itself is finished!

The question is - do I go the easy route and just slip-stitch around or do I teach you guys 1.5 stitch? I'm probably gonna just go the easy route, since ss is a very, very important stitch to learn!

And yes, I'll try to make a glossary of terms for crochet, too.

For starters:
Ch = chain
Sc = Single crochet
Ss = Slip-Stitch

That's all for me this week!

Go Enjoy Make Something!

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