Saturday, February 8, 2020

Another Writing Day!

I can explain!

I was fully prepared to write a blog today, covering my favorite gaming YouTubers of 2019 and who I've started following in 2020, but a couple of things came up.

First, I had a lovely movie date watching Once Upon A Time... In Hollywood again at my local theater, which was great, since my partner and I haven't had a chance to hang out in two days, thanks to an ice storm. It was great, and I had planned to return home afterward and do some work on today's blog.

Second, I got back and was bumming around YouTube for a bit when I was hit with some story ideas, which is why I'm using writing as my excuse, but...

Third: I... fell back into my one-time favorite online Flash-based RPG, which means that next week, you guys are gonna get the Artix Entertainment schpiel from me :P

So that's why there's no game blog today.

I'm gonna go give a character I love a potentially crippling medical condition now while murdering velociraptor-shark hybrids in another tab...

Go Enjoy Something!

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