Friday, February 21, 2020

Filmic Friday 308: Spoiled for Choice

Too Much Of A Good Thing Is A Real Problem To Have
So I've been watching more movies in the last couple months than ever before - almost a movie a day in some cases! So what do you do when you feel overwhelmed with the amount of movies you've watched?

You take a break from movies for a little while. Which is what I'm doing today. I have seen a couple of movies recently that I'd like to talk about later, though, so here they are: First, there's Zodiac - a serial killer is on the loose and a newspaper cartoonist begins to descend into obsession while trying to track him down. Then there's CATS (2019) - A musical I've seen, but done poorly and with rushed cgi. I eventually want to talk about the stage production of CATS, but that'll have to wait.

I'm pretty sure I've seen a couple other movies I wanted to talk about, but I've been very tired lately, and my memory is absolutely garbage :(

How do you guys handle film burnout? Do you just keep watching and hope that you enjoy what you're seeing, or do you bow out?

I'll be back tomorrow, guys, never fear, but for now, I'm going to go pack up some food and head out.

Go Enjoy Something!

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