Monday, June 29, 2020

Fiber Monday: Shawling Behind...

In Which I Work Hard Despite Being Sleepy

I haven't found the 2.25mm hook yet. Sorry! I have, however been working on a few things!

A bad photo of a sewing pattern I'm working from

I found a really cool vest pattern that I want to make, but since it's a pain in the tuchus to get to a fabric store, and really, I cannot afford nice fabric right now. I have plenty of crochet thread, though, so I'll be making what amounts to a mockup from crochet.


Because I'm insane.
Another terrible photo

So it's a huge pattern.

There are several pieces to this pattern, though I won't be crocheting the lining, so that'll cut things down lol.

Rough cut sections of pattern

I still have to fully cut out the patterns (probably a tomorrow pattern), but first, let me tell you why this is going up so late.

I fell asleep around 4am this morning because I suck at sleeping. Unfortunately for me, the weather decided to be very rainy. And unfortunately, something somewhere couldn't handle a lil downpour at 6AM and the power went out with a sound like a bird hitting my window.

So suddenly, I was awake in an electricity-free home, wondering when the power would come back on, two hours of sleep under my belt, and trying to light the stove with a lighter (the wand kind, not a Bic) so I could have coffee. Thankfully the power eventually came back on, but I just wanted to sleep, so I finished my cup, took a shower, and then went back to bed.

Two hours late, my cat shoulder checked her way into my bedroom and woke me up by rustling around in some of the boxes in my room. She power-stared at me for a moment and I went to go grab another cup of coffee. After that I gave up on sleep and just began working on my shawl.

Magnificent Marge shawl, Part II

You may have noticed I've switched over to a dusty rose color. This is for a very simple reason: I ran out of the beige spool I was working from and the pink was the same weight lol.

Regardless, I plan to take this as far int Part II as I can, and then I should be able to switch over to a different beige thread.

But not for a while - this is only the first 5 rows of Part II

Hope you guys had decent days! Sorry I'm late lol.

Go Enjoy Something!

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