Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Talk About Tuesday 14

Today is a tendril of the tropics invading my pre-fall paradise. 11 days remain until Fall officially starts, and with it, Falloween. So far, this September has seen me flopping around in either my high-summer garb or my lazy cool weather clothes. It's warmer today than it has been in the last few days, and there's a lot of rain and a steady breeze. It's not terrible, by any account, but it's not going to be fun walking across town in this for Cards Against Humanity night.

I mean... I'll do it.

It's just going to be wet.

As it stands, I'm sitting in my pajamas while my mom watches Wheel of Fortune. The cat is conked out on a pair of chair cushions stacked next to the stove. The black squirrel is shoveling bird seed into his little face. It's mostly a decent day. I just wish it was easier to concentrate when I had company. I'm not the best at focusing. That's something for me to work on, I guess.

Anywho, it's a pretty ok day. My main complaint about the fall is that my mom likes scented candles, which I am incredibly sensitive to. My nose feels like it's on fire under the onslaught of pumpkin spice and strong cinnamon. I'll be fine, though. That's what allergy pills are for.

I have some ideas for the game I'll talk about this weekend - while not Halloween-ish, I'll still have it be related to the time of year. I also downloaded another free game on Steam that I might talk about eventually. Tomorrow I think I'll talk about Indie promotions for wrestling. Thursday has already been finished! Friday will be about the MST3K of Mitchell, which was the last Joel-era MST3K. Saturday is going to be a cross-platform PC/Mobile game. Sunday is unknown at the moment, since I haven't cooked yet this week. I think it might be something pasta-related? We'll see.

I hope I can make homemade mac n cheese at some point...

We'll continue with our hat next week, and I look forward to completing this project.

I just wish I knew what to do with these projects once they get finished. I'll figure it out, though.

I think that'll probably do it for today's blog. I'm running on battery, since my mom is sitting where I usually do in the mornings.

Go Enjoy Something!

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