Thursday, September 13, 2018

Thursday Art Walk 14

It's never easy to take care of someone else's pets while they're away. My grandmother is visiting a very ill relative and has left her cat with us. After a lot of hissing (new kitty) and revenge-eating (my cat keeps eating the new kitty's food), they've settled down. But there may be fleas involved now. There goes my afternoon :P

Currently, our cat is asleep on a kitchen chair that has, for some reason, been moved into the living room. Jill, the other cat, is wandering the basement (where I think her box is? I don't know). There is relative peace. Or there would be if there wasn't someone toking up outside (either that or someone is repeatedly pestering a skunk - I literally cannot tell the difference).

My squareness and frustrations with the furs aside, I've got what you came here for:

"Biohazard"; permanent marker on printer paper; 2018
I did a bit of a different style this time - I used the actual data files from Resident Evil and the Resident Evil Remake and transcribed them all. It's hard to see the text even up close. I think I'll do it again some time, but I'll be more aggressive with different sizes, fonts, and scripts for the text. My favorite part to transcribe was the diary of Lisa Trevor. As it went on and she went insane, I switched to my off hand. I should have done that for the Keeper's Diary as well, I think. Maybe next time I try that I'll do just that!

Currently, I'm bumming around with some new artwork that I'll post next week.

That's all for me!

Go Enjoy Something!

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