Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Talk About Tuesday 16

You never know how many clothes you own until you try to sort through them, I've found.

Also, my cat really misses my parents. And she's mad at me for not staying up until 4AM snuggling her.

I'm embarking on a journey of cleanliness, and it's not going too well, to be honest. I'm not very good at cleaning up and I have very, very limited space for the things I have. Most of the problem comes from the huge bags of tangled-up yarn I have, so I'll be getting rid of a lot of that over the next year or so. Trust me, it's going to take that long. If some of the yarn I'm using in projects ends up looking a little fuzzy or kinked, that's why - it came from the glob.

Aside from my overabundance of yarn, I have a huge stack of clothes that need mending/conversion. I've got a bunch of pants that have worn through in... embarrassing places, so I'm planning to either make bags from the legs or modify the pants themselves. Both are harder than they sound, since I am awful at sewing. I can put the buttons back on a shirt, sew up a hole in an armpit, or make a tear less obvious, but I am not a gifted tailor.

I wish I were - that'd be heckin' cool.

Currently, though, I'm resting on the couch and typing this up while wrapped in blankets and watching the gray sky threaten the supposed half an inch of rain we're supposed to get today. I'm running low on hot cocoa mix (don't pity me - I have a bunch of K-Cups around the house in various places that I just haven't bothered with yet), and I'm contemplating blowing another packet for extra heat.

It's nice though, not being boiling hot with all the windows open.

I missed how cozy closing all the windows and snuggling into a sweater and blankets was.

Aside from the cocoa conundrums and the resentment of a cat who misses my parents, the first full day without my folks here (they're on vacation) has been going pretty well! I like how quiet it is, (the Casual says as something outside rumbles - construction?) and the cold is comforting when you've curled up in blankets.

I'm kind of excited for the rest of the main week - I have the house to myself until Friday, apparently. I don't doubt that family will be by to do laundry or pick up things they've left here, but I'll be honest: I'm enjoying this feeling of being an adult!

As for my plans this week, I'm going to continue cleaning my room. I'm also going to hook up the big analog tv and the N64. Maybe I'll play some Kirby or Pokemon Snap? That should be fun! I'll also hook up the VCR so that maybe we can work our way through our collection of tapes. Ah - it begins. Someone's here. Laundry day for someone.

The cat's just happy someone besides me is here, I think.

Currently, I'm bouncing between David Herter's October Dark (a Halloween Story about stop motion animation, black magic, undead sorcerers, and Star Wars) and The West End Horror by Nicholas Meyer (a Sherlock Holmes pastiche that might involve Gilbert & Sullivan). Both are great books, though I'm always going to love October Dark more. It's my favorite book, to be perfectly honest.

As for cookery, I've gathered the ingredients for chili. It's going to be good, because it's hard to make bad chili. You have to keep tasting the spices, after all, to make it balanced. I made oatmeal for dinner last night and... man, it's hard to make it with milk. It was really good, though. I was left with a veritable butt-load of food to prepare and eat, though, so maybe I'll actually have something to show you guys on Sunday :P

I'm not 100% sure what to do next Monday. It's either going to be wristers (the fingerless glove things) or I'll start showing you guys how to make a blanket out of leftover yarn that we'll work on together as we finish other projects.

Wednesday is also kind of up in the air. We haven't watched much for wrestling lately (my bad, I get on these jags of watching Unsolved Mysteries and YouTube...), and I'm not really sure what to write about.

Thursday will be more marker art, I think. Though with no one to complain, it may actually be time to dig out my watercolors...

Friday will be another MST3K, since we didn't have movie night on Friday this past week. Not enough people. That's okay, I conned Z into watching one of my favorite MSTs. Z was trying to get me to watch The Violent Years, but I don't really enjoy the teens in trouble movies without more people to play off of. I find them incredibly tedious when it's just the two of us. Z wasn't able to stay awake through my choice, either, but Z needs the sleep more than I do.

Saturday is also up in the air - do I talk about the game I'm playing right now or an actual Falloween game? Because I can do either. Hm.

I think that does it for me this Tuesday. I'm going to probably grab an ibuprofen and put all my clothes away. Then I'll have to start figuring out where to put things in a room with almost no storage (except for the over-full cardboard boxes I've already got in the way).

Go Enjoy Something!

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