Saturday, October 20, 2018

Saturday Casual Gaming 19: Haunt the House

Game: Haunt the House
Publisher(s): SuperFlashBros; Armor Games
Platform(s): Kongregate

This game is way too fun. On Kongregate, you only get the first part, but apparently, there's a much larger game (Haunt The House: Terrortown) and it's addicting!

You're a ghost, and some idiots are in your house. You want them to leave, so you possess various objects and scare them. I ended up accidentally killing 20% of the visitors, so there are 6 more ghosts here... oops. Still, that's a good, solid B :)

Seriously, though, look how cool this is!
The animation is fun to look at (kinda a retro paper cut-out look), the music is cute, the sound effects are fun, and watching these dorks run around with their flaily hands is hilarious!

10/10, would play again!

Basically, you control your ghost with the arrow keys on your keyboard and take actions with your space bar. The AI is incredibly dumb, so I suggest working from the top down. Try not to scare people to death like I did!

The reason this blog is so short is because I'm actually trying to get to the next one, which, fate willing, will finally be Scream Collector!

That's all from me today (unless I post an update)

Go Enjoy Something!

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