Monday, November 5, 2018

Fiber Monday 22: Pumpkin Continues

I had hoped to finish our pumpkin today. Unfortunately, it's still slow going. I will say, though, that we're getting there.

I also hoped that my second skein of orange would match tones, but... it's slightly redder than my original orange. That's okay - pumpkins are rarely uniform in color, so it should be fine.

It's kinda obvious, though...
On the other hand, I'd say we're getting there on the height (left-to right)!

I think the pattern's looking pretty good, too!
While I was crocheting today, I was listening to some video game music on YouTube, and while it was playing, I happened to look up. The music was pretty neat - some sort of middle-eastern beat - and that's what made me glance at the tv. What I saw there, however, stopped me cold. I even gave an audible "what" when I read it the first time.

The game the music came from was called "Valkyrie Profile", and I've never heard of it.

That's not what baffled me, however...

"Should Deny The Divine Destiny of The Destinies"
I... I don't know, man. What the heck.

I don't think they localized their English very well on this one, and it makes me wonder if any of the rest of the game is quite so... odd.

Seriously, though, what does it mean?

"Should Deny The Divine Destiny of The Destinies" indeed...

That'll do it for me for today!

Go Enjoy Make Something!!!

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