Sunday, November 18, 2018

Survival Sunday 23: Even More Ramen

In case you guys hadn't guessed, I really like ramen. Like, a lot. A lot, a lot.

And I hadn't cooked anything in a while, so ramen sounded like the best possible thing to make that day!

This is a health-food ramen, believe it or not.
This one was sesame-based.
Now, there's not a whole lot to making ramen - if you've made Maruchan, you've made most instant noodles. The difference is absolutely flavor! The blandest noodles I've had from an Umai crate are still about a million times better than the best Maruchan I've ever found in a grocery store here.

Now, to improve our ramen, which was very, very basic, we added a few ingredients!

Green onions, sliced by Z

A lovely egg

Delicious spicy pepper!
Z came up with a cool idea: put the green onions in the egg!

We wound up pouring our 450ml (2 cups) of water into a pot and letting it start boiling. I added the egg/onion mixture at the same time as the noodles and let them cook together.

Doesn't that look appetizing?

It does to me...
After the noodles had finished cooking, we dumped in the flavor pack, which smelled really good!

Sesame goodness!
We dumped the noodz into a nice big bowl and dolloped the pepper in, and then we demolished the whole thing in minutes.

I love ramen so much...

This was delicious! I'm not 100% sold on these "healthy" ramen packets, but I haven't hated any of them or anything :)

That'll do it for me today - stay tuned next week for something called "Bang Bang Chicken".

Go Enjoy Something!

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