Monday, November 26, 2018

Fiber Monday 25: Hooking Up A Blizzard

So, I was thinking, from now to about.... January? We could maybe do snowflakes! Just bear in mind that snowflakes are usually pretty hard to make, in my experience, with some of the most confusing and mystifying patterns I've ever read. I might make more than one snowflake in a week if I find good, simple patterns, or I might only make the one if I try a couple of hard patterns that I give up on before finding one that works!

That's kind of what happened today - I tried a pattern called "Nymphalidae" by Jessica Wifall, which I found through Ravelry, but it was... it was beyond my skills. That took me a few hours to get to the point where I absolutely knew I wouldn't be able to do it. :|

Instead, have a cute pattern called "Frostwoven Snowflake" from

I don't usually go with a chain as a starter for a round project.
I find that Magic Circles are much better for a tight center.
This project, however, doesn't call for a perfectly tight center, so I did what I was told!

Here's the first round completed!
Isn't it a cute little wheel?

I accidentally skipped the second round, so here's round 3!
I kinda like the way the front post double crochets look!

Round 4 had some pretty ruffles added, but those will be stiffened into loops later.

Someone decided to "help" but only ended up chewing on thread and gouging up my thighs...
Oh cat...

The first flake of our seasonal storm is finished!
Now I'll need to find a way to starch it.
I think I'll finish as many snowflakes as possible before trying to stiffen any of them. I have ideas for how to keep them in shape (I have a bunch of pins and some ancient beach towels) while they're being starched, but that'll wait :)

I hope you find the links useful if you're embarking on a snowflake extravaganza.

Go Enjoy Something!

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