Monday, March 11, 2019

Fiber Monday 211

I've continued work on our sweet amigurumi kitty this week with its tail being the focus. Hopefully, you'll all be able to keep up on this and you don't make the same mistake I made, which is the same mistake I keep making...

I forget to read the pattern before I stitch.

Here we have my magic ring with six stitches in it! So far so good!

And here we show the magic ring cinched shut with my six single crochet stitches forming a lovely base.

Aaaaaand I botched it.
Instead of following directions, I went ahead and sc2 in each sc to make a round of 12 sc.
This is wrong.
I had to pull all 12 out and start over from the first 6.

There we go - if slightly blurry. This is the (sc 2, 2sc) pattern I wanted.
We should have 8 sc per round, not 12!
Our kitty is not a fluffbutt, apparently.
Now, obviously, it's not the end of the world if your cat has a chunky tail, but I'm trying to stick as close to the pattern as possible for this project. If I make more kitties, they'll be much more varied in appearance!

I did take the liberty of making the pink tip of his tail 8 rounds tall, then attaching my Main Color.
He's got quite the pattern, eh?

16 rounds later, we have a tail!
The tail is supposed to be 22 rounds long, counting the foundation 6sc.
I think that tail is looking pretty good, if I do say so myself. Next time I make a kitty, I'd like to make its tail much longer. Maybe make it ridiculously lanky, too... we'll see!

Regardless, all that remains now is to finish the ears & muzzle, stuff, sew, and present. I don't know how many more weeks that'll take, but we'll see about that, too!

Hopefully you guys are having a good time following along with this amigurumi experiment. I'd love to hear any suggestions or comments you may have!

Go Enjoy Something!

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