Thursday, March 28, 2019

Thursday Art Walk 213: Uigi Madness

I've been working on the Luigi drawing for a while, and I'm pleased to announce that I only have one part left to finish!

The background.


That's gonna be interesting.

I cleaned up and transferred the lineart onto a fresh piece of paper.
I think I prefer this FSM to the blobby one before.
Also, I like that both the rocket and Luigi have more expressive faces!

Basic coloring finished - now for background!
I'm not sure what I'm going to do about the background. I'm conflicted - do I do bubble art for the background or do I try something new or do I go concentric?

Bubble art would look neat, but I don't know what to use for the starting points.

Concentric would look... odd. Maybe that's a good thing? I don't know.

If I did something different, I think I'd go with a more impressionistic approach. Then again, I could try doing the background with overlapping shapes or letters or something.

These are the big questions.

I do know my palette for the background, at least - blues, purples, black. Boom. I definitely want things lighter towards the center and darker on the edges, but if I was really crazy, I could do things so that there was more of a mix. I don't know how any of this would look.

To be honest, it'd be super awesome to be able to make the background and then put this drawing onto it, but I'm garbage with both Photoshop and knifework (if I were to literally stick this to a background, I'd have to cut out the elements and hope I got them placed correctly... ugh).

We'll see how this puppy turns out, eh?

Go Enjoy Something!

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