Saturday, May 4, 2019

Saturday Casual Gaming 218: Idle Jobs 2

I don't think I've ever played Idle Jobs 1, though I may have to look into it, since this is a fun game :)

Idle Jobs 2, by EpicEarthGames on Kongregate
Also available on Android!
This is an odd game. Its cute art style masks a tart sense of humor. For those who know me, you know I feel a littttle called out by Job 4:

I mean, thankfully my cold calling days were few and brief, but...
Yeah. Ouch.
So what is this game?

Idle Jobs 2 basically puts you in the roll of Temp Coordinator or something like that. You help these people get job training (the "Train" button), learn more Skills (the Study and Learn Skills buttons), and as a side-hustle, you become something of a landlord in the Rent button. You can expand the amount of hours your little worker bees spend on the job by hitting the "Expand" button, and eventually, you can "Hire" someone to handle "Collect"ing the money (the amount by the coins is what you draw from for Training & Skill points). When max out one job, you move to the next, earning the Cash on the left (with the dollar bill) and you use that to buy properties to Rent. It's incredibly basic, but it's also complicated enough to keep my attention. I've gone up to Job 14 and the policeman's name is Starsky Hutchison. I smile with every Job I see, and I have several buildings I'm renting out. I also haven't Prestiged yet, so that's going to be fun to try later :)

I don't know if I'll make it to Job 24 before I Prestige.
My goal is to get all the properties before Prestigeing!
All in all, this is a fun game. If you're looking for a fun time-killer, go for this one!

Go Enjoy Something!

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