No seriously, what the heck is going on?
I'm absolutely baffled.
Between Bray Wyatt's weird makeover and Dean Ambrose's weird trailer, I'm really confused. Wrestling didn't used to be this confusing, did it?
Oh. Nevermind. Carry on. |
I'm also down with Ambrose/Moxley joining AEW or reinvigorating his character on WWE - whichever one benefits both his marriage & his bank account. What can I say? I want wrestlers to succeed.
I also want to watch really good wrestling, which is why I keep getting more & more excited for AEW and the apparent renaissance of skill that's coming over the Indie Scene. MLW is welcoming more new talent, AEW is signing people like a group of madmen, pretty much every other Indie I've been hearing about is doing gangbusters compared to pre-AEW-buzz times...
By the way, if you haven't yet, go watch the promo for Cody vs Dustin Rhodes. Oh my god. It gives me chills. He went from weird dweeb with a face protector to... American Nightmare. Goddamn is he smooth.
It's a good time to be either a wrestler or a wrestling fan, I think.
Sumo is coming up, but since Kintamayama will be at the Sumo bouts, he won't have time to put the videos up, so we'll have to get our Sumo fix elsewhere. If you've got suggestions, feel free to comment below!
Z & I have also been slowly watching our way through the WWE Network, and while the modern stuff is... not worth more than 9.99 a month, the archives absolutely are worth the price of admission...
That'll do it from me today - I promise, at some point in the future I'll directly cover something in-ring, lol!
For now, though,
Go Enjoy Something!
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